Filed under Web Traffic
Millions of people use the Internet every hour of every day. So, how come no one is visiting your website?
If you are frustrated by the fact that your website is not receiving the traffic you think it deserves, you need to learn some tactics to increase website traffic. Chances are, you could be in information overload learning about website traffic tactics, but you just don’t understand any of it.
Your website is constantly receiving harassing offers of loans on your credit card to ‘guarantee’ Google clicks, your website has dropped from Google search results entirely, and you don’t have the money to invest in viable website traffic tactics. The good news is that there are free ways that you can increase website traffic.
Mega Success with Meta Tags
Meta tags are elements of your website that help search engines describe your page. You can increase website traffic by making sure that your Meta tags contain keywords that target your business and are most often used by Internet users. Manipulating Meta tags is easy for anyone who’s adept with HTML aspects of web pages.
Hit the Links
Linking to and from other websites is still the most effective and widely used method of boosting website traffic. You need to be prudent in choosing the sites you connect to, and make sure that they are not related too closely to your own business. Don’t overdo it, because too many links can get you banned from search engines altogether.
Smart, and Rich
Fill your website with articles that provide solid, sensible information about your business. Use tools like Overture to find the keywords and phrases that will bring the most traffic to your site, and then incorporate these words and phrases into your written articles.
Make your content readable and genuinely informative to ensure visitors will not only come back to your website but will also become paying customers. The articles that you write can also be submitted to various article directory listings. Affiliate websites may choose your articles to use, and give credit to you through a web link. This provides greater visibility for your business.
When employed properly, these methods will result in the increased number of website hits you need and can lead to a higher conversion rate. Ultimately, that means more money in your pocket.